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The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

scalar ID

Returned by

ArchiveUserCourse mutation ● ArchiveUserLearningPath mutation ● CreateCommentLike mutation ● DestroyBookmark mutation ● DestroyBookmarkFolder mutation ● DestroyComment mutation ● DestroyThread mutation ● ReinstateUserCourse mutation ● ReinstateUserLearningPath mutation

Member of

AccessExpiration object ● AcmeChallenge object ● AddResourceToQueue mutation ● AdobeConnectWebinarConnection object ● AllocatedLearningPath object ● AllocatedLicense object ● APILicenseList object ● AppearanceSettings object ● ArchivedContent object ● ArchiveUserCourse mutation ● ArchiveUserLearningPath mutation ● ArticlePage object ● Assessment object ● AssessmentAnswer object ● AssessmentAttempt object ● AssessmentAttemptInput input ● AssessmentPageEntity interface ● Assignment object ● AssignmentPage object ● AssignmentSubmission object ● AudioPage object ● AvalaraTaxSettings object ● Award object ● AwardClaiming input ● AwardQualification object ● AwardTotal object ● AwardType object ● BackgroundJob object ● Badge object ● Block object ● Bookmark object ● BookmarkFolder object ● BulkOrder object ● Bundle object ● BundleCoupon object ● Campaign object ● CampaignEmail object ● CatalogCategory object ● CatalogContent query ● CatalogSettings object ● CatalogSubcategory object ● CentralLibraryItem object ● Certificate object ● CertificateField object ● CertificateTemplate object ● CertificateTemplateLabel object ● CertificateUploadField input ● Charge object ● ChargeItem object ● ChargeJournalEntry object ● Client object ● ClientSubscription object ● ClientSubscriptionUpcomingInvoice object ● CloudflareCertificate object ● Comment object ● Comments query ● Company object ● CompanyDetails query ● CompanySecuritySettings object ● CompetencyAssessment object ● CompetencyAssessmentQuestion object ● CompetencyAssessmentResponse object ● CompetencyAssessmentResponseQuestion object ● CompetencyAssessmentResponseQuestionInput input ● Content object ● ContentBody object ● ContentItem object ● ContentSubscriptionInput input ● ContentTabs object ● Coupon object ● Course object ● CourseAwardClaimingOption object ● CourseById query ● CourseCompletionCriteria object ● CourseCompletionCriteriaProgress object ● CourseGroup object ● CourseTab object ● CreateAssessmentAttempt mutation ● CreateAssignmentSubmission mutation ● CreateComment mutation ● CreateCommentLike mutation ● CreateLearner mutation ● CreateLearningPath mutation ● CreateThread mutation ● CreateUnansweredAssessmentAttempt mutation ● CreditAccount object ● CreditAction object ● CreditActionList object ● CreditBatch object ● CreditBatchListAPI object ● CredlyBadge object ● CredlyBadgeInput input ● CredlyBadgeResource object ● CredlySettings object ● CurrentUserResetCourseProgress mutation ● CustomField object ● CustomLanguage object ● DestroyBookmark mutation ● DestroyBookmarkFolder mutation ● DestroyComment mutation ● DestroyThread mutation ● DisplayBundle object ● DualRoleStatus object ● EarnedBadge object ● EmailAuthorizationList object ● EmailLayoutSettings object ● EmbedPage object ● EmbedPageLaunch object ● EmbedPageVariant object ● EmbedWidgetCourseStatus object ● EmbedWidgetLearningPathStatus object ● ExpandableListItem object ● Feature object ● FlipCardPage object ● Forum object ● Forums query ● FoxyEcommerceHostedPaymentGateway object ● FoxyEcommerceHostedPaymentGatewayType object ● FoxyEcommercePaymentGateway object ● FoxyEcommercePaymentGatewayInput input ● FoxyEcommercePaymentGatewayType object ● FoxyEcommercePaymentMethodSet object ● FoxyEcommerceStore object ● FoxyEcommerceTemplateSet object ● FulfillmentCenter object ● GeneralPage object ● HeliumDeploymentLog query ● HeliumDeploymentStatus query ● HighlightZonePage object ● IMISSettings object ● ItemPrice object ● KnowledgeCenterSettings object ● Language object ● Layout object ● LearnerInput input ● LearningPath object ● LearningPathAction object ● LearningPathTab object ● LearningPathTabs object ● Lesson object ● License object ● LicenseNode object ● LinkedWorkbook object ● LinkedWorkbookCategory object ● ListRollPage object ● LoadAssessmentAttempts query ● LoadAssessmentAttemptsByTopicOrCourse query ● LoadAssessmentAttemptWithQuestions query ● LoadSuperQuizInfo query ● Location object ● LookerEmbed object ● LookerExplore object ● LookerExploreCategory object ● LookerFolder object ● MatchPairPage object ● Meeting object ● MeetingFields input ● MeetingPage object ● MergeAssessmentAttemptIntoComplete mutation ● MicrositeBlock object ● Milestone object ● Milestone query ● MilestoneCompetencyAssessment object ● MilestoneCompletionCriteria object ● MilestoneCourse object ● MilestoneCourseInput input ● Note object ● NotebookPage object ● OnboardingSurvey object ● OnboardingSurveyQuestion object ● OnboardingSurveyResponse object ● Order object ● OrderBookmarkFolders mutation ● OrderInput input ● OrderItemInput input ● Organization object ● Page object ● PageEntity interface ● PagesCompletedByCourse query ● PaymentIntent object ● PDFViewerPage object ● PresentationPage object ● PriceInput input ● Product object ● PurchasedBundle object ● PurchasedCourse object ● QueryContents query ● Question object ● QuestionCategory object ● QuestionCategoryInput input ● QuestionInput input ● QuestionPool object ● quizAttemptInput input ● QuizPage object ● QuizQuestion object ● RecipePage object ● RecommendationAssessment object ● RecommendationAssessmentQuestion object ● RecommendationAssessmentResponse object ● RedemptionCodeGroup object ● RegistrationCode object ● ReinstateUserCourse mutation ● ReinstateUserLearningPath mutation ● RelatedProducts query ● RemoveCommentLike mutation ● Resource object ● Role object ● RootLayout object ● RssItem object ● RusticiCourseLaunchResponse object ● RusticiLaunch object ● RusticiLaunchScorm query ● SalesforceConnection object ● SalesforceContact object ● SalesforceInstanceSettings object ● SalesforcePackageVersion object ● ScormPage object ● SearchThreads query ● Section object ● SelectCurrentUserActiveLicense mutation ● ShippingMethod object ● ShippingRate object ● SlideshowPage object ● Snippet object ● SSOSettings object ● StripeAccount object ● Sublicense object ● SublicenseInput input ● SuperQuiz object ● SurveyPage object ● Tab object ● Tag object ● TallyPage object ● TaxCategory object ● Testimonial object ● TestPage object ● TextPage object ● Thread object ● ThreadById query ● Threads query ● Topic object ● TopicGroup object ● TopicGroupTopic object ● TopicSearchResult object ● Translation object ● TranslationsList object ● UnenrollFromWaitlist mutation ● UpdateBookmark mutation ● UpdateBookmarkFolder mutation ● UpdateComment mutation ● UpdateThread mutation ● UpdateTopicAndCourseProgress mutation ● UpdateUserCourseMeetingAttendance mutation ● User object ● UserAwardCount object ● UserBookmarksByFolder query ● UserCourseAwardCounts query ● UserCourseCollaborations query ● UserCourseCompletionProgress query ● UserCourseProgress query ● UserCustomField object ● UserPurchase object ● VideoPage object ● Waitlist object ● WaitlistedCourse object ● WebexLab object ● WebexWebinarConnection object ● WebinarBlock object ● WebinarDate object ● WebinarDateRange input ● WebinarRecording object ● WorkatoCustomerAccount object ● WorkbookPage object ● ZendeskContent object