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Contains data to launch SCORM content through Rustici API.

type RusticiCourseLaunchResponse {
isRusticiCourse: Boolean!
url: AbsoluteOrRelativeURL!
fullscreenEmbed: Boolean!
height: Int
width: Int
registrationId: ID!
courseTitle: String
registrationCheckerJWT: String!
registrationCheckerEndpoint: URL!


RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.isRusticiCourse ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Flag to indicate a Course entity in Rustici API.

RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.url ● AbsoluteOrRelativeURL! non-null scalar

The URL to launch SCORM content.

RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.fullscreenEmbed ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Informs the client whether the SCORM content should be launched in full screen or windowed.

RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.height ● Int scalar

The height of the container to launch the SCORM content. This is only applicable for Topic when the topic has configured the Height option. Defaults to 680px for both pop-ups and embedded SCORM files.

RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.width ● Int scalar

The width of the container to launch the SCORM content. This is only applicable for Topic when the topic has configured the Width option. Defaults to 1000px for pop-ups, and 100% for embedded SCORM files.

RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.registrationId ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of user registration in Rustici API.

RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.courseTitle ● String scalar

The title of the Topic Or Course.

RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.registrationCheckerJWT ● String! non-null scalar

The JWT to check completion status for the current user registration.

RusticiCourseLaunchResponse.registrationCheckerEndpoint ● URL! non-null scalar

The endpoint to check completion status for the current user registration. This requires a POST method and request body with JWT. Example curl request: curl --location --request POST '<registrationCheckerEndpoint>' --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data-urlencode 'jwt=<registrationCheckerJWT>'

Returned by

RusticiLaunchScorm query