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Contains data for a bookmark.

type Bookmark {
id: ID!
note: String
user: User!
topic: Topic
topicId: ID
course: Course!
createdAt: Date!
deleted: Boolean!
bookmarkFolder: BookmarkFolder!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

The id of the bookmark.

Bookmark.note ● String scalar

The note of the bookmark.

Bookmark.user ● User! non-null object

The user who owns the bookmark.

Bookmark.topic ● Topic object

The topic associated with the bookmark.

Bookmark.topicId ● ID scalar

The id of the topic.

Bookmark.course ● Course! non-null object

The course associated with the bookmark.

Bookmark.createdAt ● Date! non-null scalar

The time the bookmark was created.

Bookmark.deleted ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Returns true when the bookmark is deleted.

Bookmark.bookmarkFolder ● BookmarkFolder! non-null object

The bookmark folder associated with the bookmark.

Returned by

CreateBookmark mutation ● UpdateBookmark mutation ● UserBookmarksByFolder query

Member of

BookmarkFolder object