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type Meeting {
id: ID!
title: String
courseId: ID!
course: Course!
locationId: ID
location: Location
joinUrl: String
attendeeInfo: String
instructors: [String!]
startDate: Date!
endDate: Date!
timeZone: String
attendees: [User!]

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Meeting.title ● String scalar

Meeting.courseId ● ID! non-null scalar

Meeting.course ● Course! non-null object

Meeting.locationId ● ID scalar

Meeting.location ● Location object

Meeting.joinUrl ● String scalar

Meeting.attendeeInfo ● String scalar

Meeting.instructors ● [String!] list scalar

Meeting.startDate ● Date! non-null scalar

Meeting.endDate ● Date! non-null scalar

Meeting.timeZone ● String scalar

Meeting.attendees ● [User!] list object

Returned by

CreateCourseMeetings mutation ● UpdateMeeting mutation

Member of

CampaignEmailTarget object ● Course object ● MeetingsList object ● UserAttendedMeeting object