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Contains quiz questions and other data about the entered quiz(s).

type SuperQuiz {
quizzes: [ID!]
questions: [QuizQuestion!]
totalTimeInSeconds: Int
questionSkipEnabled: Boolean
timerEnabled: Boolean
navigationDisabled: Boolean
displayAllHints: Boolean
timePerQuestionInSeconds: Int


SuperQuiz.quizzes ● [ID!] list scalar

The IDs of the Quizzes user selects and has access to.

SuperQuiz.questions ● [QuizQuestion!] list object

The collection of Quiz questions user selects.

SuperQuiz.totalTimeInSeconds ● Int scalar

The total estimated time for all of the Quiz questions. This is only applicable when all the Quizzes have the Estimated Time Per Question option enabled.

SuperQuiz.questionSkipEnabled ● Boolean scalar

Allows learner to skip questions. This is only applicable when all the selected Quizzes have the Allow Learner to Skip Questions option enabled.

SuperQuiz.timerEnabled ● Boolean scalar

Enables timer. This is only applicable when all the Quizzes have the Enable Timer option enabled.

SuperQuiz.navigationDisabled ● Boolean scalar

Disables navigation during quiz. This is only applicable when all the Quizzes have the Disable Navigation During Quiz option enabled.

SuperQuiz.displayAllHints ● Boolean scalar

Display all hints. This is only applicable when all the Quizzes have the Display all Hints option enabled.

SuperQuiz.timePerQuestionInSeconds ● Int scalar

The estimated time per question. This is only applicable when all the Quizzes have the Estimated Time Per Question option enabled and use the same value.

Returned by

LoadSuperQuizInfo query