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type Comment {
id: ID!
commentable: Commentable!
commentableId: ID!
commentableType: CommentableType!
body: String
user: User!
parentComment: Comment
createdAt: Date
updatedAt: Date
videoAsset: ID
asset: URL
assetFileName: String
notificationsEnabled: Boolean!
childComments: CommentsList
userLikeId: ID
likesCount: Int

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Comment.commentable ● Commentable! non-null union

Comment.commentableId ● ID! non-null scalar

Comment.commentableType ● CommentableType! non-null enum

Comment.body ● String scalar

Comment.user ● User! non-null object

Comment.parentComment ● Comment object

Comment.createdAt ● Date scalar

Comment.updatedAt ● Date scalar

Comment.videoAsset ● ID scalar

Comment.asset ● URL scalar

Comment.assetFileName ● String scalar

Comment.notificationsEnabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Comment.childComments ● CommentsList object

Comment.userLikeId ● ID scalar

Comment.likesCount ● Int scalar

Returned by

CreateComment mutation ● UpdateComment mutation

Member of

Comment object ● CommentsList object