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Mobile SDK


The Thought Industries Mobile SDK is a starting point for creating your own mobile app powered by the Thought Industries APIs. The Github repository for the Mobile SDK can be found here.


The Mobile SDK is fully native and utilizes no iframes. It allows users to sign up, access a course, watch videos, and read articles. It also allows users to download articles so they can be read later when the user doesn’t have internet access. Users can also see which courses they currently have access to and view the course catalog. The Mobile SDK is built with React Native so it supports both iOS and Android devices.

The Mobile SDK is meant to serve as a reference/starting point for building your own application and is not meant to include every Ti capability. As an SDK, you are free to build and customize your application to meet your specific business needs utilizing all of the Ti platform's APIs / GraphQL capabilities along with native features on the mobile device’s operating system.

Getting Started


Expo Go

sudo npm i -g expo-cli

iOS Simulator Documentation to setup iOS Simulator.

Android Emulator Documentation to setup Android Emulator.

Installing Locally


There is also a video installation guide available here.

Clone the repository:

git clone

Install packages:

cd mobile-sdk
npm i

Run locally:

npm run start

You will be prompted for your instance URL, instance API key, and instance nickname. These values will be used to generate and store your environment variables.

Once the Metro Bundler has started, you will have the options to scan the QR code to run the application on your mobile device, run the application on an iOS simulator, or run the application on an Android Emulator.

To select a specific iOS device press Shift + i and to select a specific Android Emulator press Shift + a.


The github repository for the Mobile SDK is open source and accepts contributions! If you would like to add some additional functionality, please submit a PR for review!

Report Bugs and Issues

If you notice any bugs or issues with the Mobile SDK, please report them in our Developer Discord or open up a pull request / issue.